Session 3



Session 3

Jan/Feb 2024

Big Idea: Determination

Content Focus: Colonial America

Workshop 1

This interactive workshop will take you on a journey across the Atlantic as a colonist. You will explore how the French & Dutch established a beaver fur trade, learn about the three earliest British colonies, and discover the hardships (and rewards) of coming to the New World.

Workshop 2

As countries were sending people to establish colonies in the New World, an intellectual and cultural movement was happening in Europe called "Age of Enlightenment." This workshop will explore the newest scientific discoveries of the time period, as well as learning about some of the most famous heroes, like Benjamin Franklin!

Workshop 3

Life in the colonial time period was very different than today. Fighting for religious freedoms, establishing a functional government, town criers, post riders, starting newspapers, slavery, indentured servitude and life at home all played an important role in how our country began. 

Workshop 4

Also called the "Seven Years War", the French and Indian War was a battle between France and Britain in the New World. These two countries had a long-standing struggle with each other over colonizing the New World. This workshop will explore the who, what, when, where and why of this epic war (and how it eventually ended).