Immersion Learning Approach

Immersing students in authentic, meaningful and engaging units of study through hands-on projects, community events and life learning experiences.


Faith in Jesus Christ is our foundation!


Our rigorous education programs provide our students ages 5-18 the opportunity to make learning come to life!

 Students explore content in creative ways using our innovative Immersion Learning Approach under the guidance of trained teachers.

 Teachers even give families ideas on how to extend the learning at home, too!

X No boxed curriculum

X No standardized tests 

X No meaningless homework

 We help families develop life learning habits instead of "doing school."


The research is clear...moving our bodies is essential to improving cognitive function!

 Whether we're creating Book Club projects, signing Bible verses using ASL, building models in workshops, exploring local attractions, or designing art, movement is a big part of our learning experience.


Curiosity keeps the mind active!

 Our students learn content on a deep level that often goes beyond the grade-level expectation defined by state standards or boxed curriculum.

Students are a part of a collaborative learning environment that empowers them to ask tough questions and discover the answers in a variety of ways. 

At Inspirations Academy, there is no "right way."


Instead of giving solutions, our teachers show our students how to invent their own!

Whether they're writing a business plan to fill a need for their community, building model ships to study buoyancy, applying their structural engineering knowledge to construct a building, or creating robotic hands... 

...inventiveness is essential at Inspirations Academy!